Dra. Maritza Ortiz has a Bachelor of Social Sciences from the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus. She has graduate studies from Inter American University of Puerto Rico, where she obtained a Master in Business Administration, and a Doctorate in Education. Doctor Ortiz has more than 25 years of professional experience in educational management in higher education institutions in Puerto Rico. She also has teaching experience in several universities. In her professional experience in the academy, she held the position of Dean of Academic Affairs at Bayamon Central University for five years. At present she collaborates in several dissertation committees for doctoral students at the Inter American University of Puerto Rico.
Doctor Ortiz has held several managerial positions at Inter American University of Puerto, where she works at present. She was Director of the Department of Education, Social Sciences and Humanistic Studies at Inter American University of Puerto-Barranquitas Campus. At the Central office level, she held the positions of Director for Systems and Procedures, and Associate Director for Evaluation and Monitoring. Since October 2010, she serves as the Institutional Director for Accreditation and Licensing. From there she provides advice and collaboration to all eleven academic units of the Inter American University of Puerto Rico, in their licensing and accreditation processes. Doctor Ortiz has vast experience in accreditation processes with MSCHE, and with the Red Latinoamericana de Cooperación Universitaria (RLCU) in several higher education institutions of Latin America. She also participates as evaluator for HETS showcase activities.