Former President, Universidad del Sagrado Corazón.
USC affiliated to HETS under the leadership of Dr. Rivera, who was one of the greatest supporters of the Consortium throughout his 15 years serving the HETS Board. He served as Board Treasurer, host to Board meetings and HETS events. On January 15, 2014, HETS recognized his role as Founding Member, Treasurer, and many contributions in other valuable roles, which fueled the organization towards the accomplishment of its goals and objectives. Dr. Rivera retired on 2014. HETS, and all its members, would like to recognize and highlight the legacy of Dr. José Jaime Rivera and its outstanding path as President of one of the HETS founding member institutions: Universidad del Sagrado Corazón. Dr. José Jaime Rivera was inducted, as one of the first members to the HETS Advisory Committee on July 2018.