President, Borough of Manhattan Community College.
President Pérez announced, that will step down after having served with 23 years of leadership at the college, and almost 20 as an active Board Member of the Hispanic Education Technology Services (HETS) Consortium. President Pérez has always vividly supported our mission to promote, support and enhance Hispanic/ Latino student access, retention, and success in Higher Education through the strategic integration of technology. This has been proven during his tenure as Board Member in our Consortia, in which he has actively served as Board Officer in the Executive Committee (for several terms) as: Treasurer, Vice Chair, and the last two years as HETS Regional Representative for the East Coast.
He was appointed President of Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC/CUNY) in 1995. The college served 16,300 students at that time, and has grown to have CUNY’s largest enrollment, serving more than 27,000 students. A visionary, high-energy leader, President Pérez has not only led the college’s expansion but guided the BMCC community through the aftermath of September 11, 2001. BMCC is the only college in United States history to have lost a campus building to a terrorist attack. BMCC’s Fiterman Hall was destroyed when World Trade 7, across the street, collapsed and fell against it. He will step down as BMCC President on August 31, 2018. Dr. Pérez was inducted, as one of the first members to the HETS Advisory Committee on July 2018.