Digital Entrepreneurship: From Puerto Rico to the World
General description of the project
IMPORTANT NOTE TO REVIEWERS: All paper submissions will be in English. If you would like the proposal to be written in English as well, I can include it as an additional proposal. You may also submit in Spanish and English. All paper presentations will be in English.
The paper presents the design, development and results of a digital entrepreneurship e-commerce software/application development project course. During a 12-week fully online course where students develop their projects that include the creation of a website and database application, a marketing plan, a business plan, a presentation and a poster. Students participate in a poster competition for all graduates of the EXPO DESIGN master’s in management and engineering programs, where we have won prizes. All students who have enrolled in the course over the past three years have successfully completed the course.
To accommodate the needs of Hispanic students, as well as English-speaking students whose primary language is English, in this course all content is in English and students participate in English and Spanish in the discussion forums and answer cases in their language of fluency. The professor is fully bilingual in English and Spanish, which is a positive cost-benefit choice for the university, as it maximizes the linguistic skills of its multicultural professors.
The course is taught through the online course management platform Blackboard. Students also have free access to developer applications through the alliance of the Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico with Microsoft Azure Education. Students get software/applications such as PROJECT, VISIO, Microsoft Server, ACCESS, among others.
Explain project results
Students participate in an EXPO DESIGN graduate management and engineering program poster competition, where we have won awards. All students who have enrolled in the course over the past three years have successfully completed the course, as well as their MBA degree with a major in Computer Information Systems.
Why it should be considered best practice?
This project should be considered as Best Practices because it includes conditions that guarantee the academic success of the students, the acquisition of skills in the creation of: (1) the e-commerce page. (2) the marketing plan to publish and distribute digital products or provide and manage the provision of digital services to customers or end users, (3) the business plan to create, design, develop applications to: (1) display the products and/or service, (2) manage or target the distribution of digital products, physical products and/or virtual services, and; (3) implement the operation of a business through a secure and reliable digital platform.
Highlights of your proposed presentation
The lecture ensures the transfer of thematic content on:
What is a digital business?
What are the necessary steps to create, design, and implement an online business?
What IT skills are needed and how to use developer applications to create the project?
How to self-evaluate the project using a rubric?
How to create a poster or oral presentation with audio and video to publicize the digital business project?
How to record a pitch about the entrepreneurship initiative?
Sample examples of the learning activities that take place during the course, including website covers, posters, marketing plans, student marketing avatars, pro forma financial statements, etc.
The Evaluation Committee will evaluate submitted proposals based on the following criteria. Each area will be rated on a scale from 1 to 7 (1= non-satisfactory; 7 =outstanding), for a maximum of 63 points.