This is a recorded presentation available from January 17, 2013. You can watch the recorded session at our HETS YouTube Channel or right here.
This is a 5-year longitudinal study of two state regional universities, one in the Pacific Northwest and one in the US Central Plains, of the demographics and demographics profiles of the Hispanic student over time. It is commonly heard in today’s academia that online learning has its place and it is not for everyone, yet we are only now beginning to get the long term data to determine who is the online student. With this growing body of knowledge we are also beginning to be able to draw a picture of the online student within minority groups. This study therefore asks the questions: What is the demographic profile of the online Hispanic student?, Has the demographic profile of the online Hispanic student changed over time?, What is the demographic profile of the successful online Hispanic student?, Has the demographic profile of the successful online Hispanic student changed over time?
Institution: Eastern Washington University
Language: English
Presented by:
Ben P. Meredith, Ed.D., is the Executive Director of the Eastern Washington University Virtual Campus. His research interests include student success in online education and the use of technology to increase access to educational opportunities.
Stephen Burgess, Ph.D., is a professor of psychology at Southwestern Oklahoma State University. His research interests include the use of technology to increase accessibility to education inform