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Celebrating Innovation in Access, Retention and Assessment in Distance Learning Education
to Promote Hispanic Student Success in Higher Education
When : January 17 to February 8, 2013
Where: Virtual, completely online! (Combination of live presentations and uploaded ones
What: First Virtual HETS Best Practices Showcase will focus on three main tracks: Retention and Assessment efforts in Distance Learning, Equivalence, and Authentication in Distance Learning Education for Hispanics.
Who Should Participate: Academic leaders, Distance Learning Directors, Academic and Student Affairs Vice Presidents or Deans, faculty, technology staff, investigators, corporate representatives related to technology and education, students and general public.
The Hispanic Educational Technology Services Consortium (HETS) would like to highlight and celebrate the outstanding work of its member institutions in meaningfully and strategically using technology to achieve Hispanic student success. Taking place in January 17 to February 8, 2013, the First Virtual HETS Best Practices Showcase will focus on three main tracks: Retention and Assessment efforts in Distance Learning, Equivalence, and Authentication in Distance Learning Education for Hispanics. These topics were identified through the survey HETS office sent to all Distance Learning Directors at member institutions, and during the round table discussions held on June, 2012 at Bronx Community Colleges with more than 12 directors who attended. This event will be a combination of live and asynchronous online presentations with forums to interact with presenters and participants.
HETS has defined a “best practice” as an innovative approach or strategy that, with the effective use of technology, has proven to increase recruitment, promote student success, improve student retention and completion, and provide institutions with viable, effective, and efficient approaches to assessment in Distance Learning courses or programs. Overall, it will be a showcase of innovative technology strategies in Higher Education focused on impacting the Hispanic student population by enhancing retention, college completion, and successful learning outcomes.
Certainly, HETS member institutions are experts in dealing with the Hispanic population and finding ways to provide them with opportunities to succeed, and we want to open a space for them to share this expertise. Once again, online participants will be not only able to learn from the showcased works, but also find solutions to many common issues and even establish new possibilities for collaboration with other institutions and potential partners.