We are pleased to announce that the official Program for the 2018 HETS Best Practices Showcase, Celebrating Innovation to Promote Hispanic Student Success in Higher Education, has been published. This event will take place during February 1st and 2nd, 2018 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. A total of 23 presentations together with the Opening Session and a Special Panel with the winners of each track will showcase their best practices in the areas of: Access, Retention and Distance Learning in Higher Education. Online registration for the event is available at: https://hets.org/hets-events/hets-best-practices-showcase-2018/registration/. Our goal is to have representation from most HETS Member Institutions, and Hispanic Serving Institutions at this event. Reserve your space today! For more details about the conference please visit the event page using this link: 2018 Best Practices Showcase.