Impact of Growth, Purpose, and Sense of Belonging (GPS) Mindset Intervention on Student Retention Rates in Asynchronous Mathematics Courses


  • Tanvir Prince Hostos Community College



GPS mindset, Growth mindset, Purpose, Sense of belonging, Student retention


This study aims to study the effects of incorporating a Growth, Purpose, and Sense of Belonging (GPS) mindset intervention on student retention rates within asynchronous mathematics courses. Specifically, the research hypothesis suggests that integrating the GPS mindset intervention into these courses will yield a statistically significant improvement in student retention rates. Data were collected from Calculus III, Differential Equations, and Linear Algebra courses across multiple semesters—Fall 2018, Spring 2019, Fall 2022, and Spring 2023 to evaluate the impact. Comparative analysis was performed to explore the effectiveness of the intervention. Preliminary findings from the study indicate that the GPS mindset intervention plays a pivotal role in elevating student retention rates in asynchronous mathematics courses. These results contribute to the ongoing discourse on academic retention strategies and underscore the potential benefits of mindset interventions in educational settings.


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How to Cite

Prince, T. (2024). Impact of Growth, Purpose, and Sense of Belonging (GPS) Mindset Intervention on Student Retention Rates in Asynchronous Mathematics Courses. HETS Online Journal, 14(2), 47-67.


