ESOL in the Digital Age: Crafting a Tailored Learning Journey


  • Carolyn Choate TCC Connect



ESOL, Education, community college, english learners, diversityOnline College Courses, Language Acquisition, diversity, online college courses



In today’s interconnected world, the demand for English as a Second Language or Other Language (ESOL) instruction in higher education has never been greater. As the global community continues to expand, the ability to communicate effectively in English has become a valuable skill for individuals seeking to pursue a college education, advance their careers, and engage in international discourse. ESOL online courses have emerged as a popular choice for college-bound individuals looking to enhance their English language proficiency, offering accessibility and flexibility for learners from diverse backgrounds. However, these online courses also come with certain drawbacks, including reduced engagement, the need for self-discipline, and variable quality courses. Adjusting the college admission process to align with ESOL students’ language proficiency is essential for equitable access to higher education. Ultimately, the decision to pursue ESOL online courses should be based on a careful assessment of both the benefits and challenges, ensuring alignment with each individual’s unique circumstances and college-bound aspirations.


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How to Cite

Choate, C. (2024). ESOL in the Digital Age: Crafting a Tailored Learning Journey. HETS Online Journal, 14(2), 25-46.


