Factores que influyen en la implementación de la tecnología en el ejercicio de enseñanza-aprendizaje





teaching employment, education, industrialization, educational technology, technology integration models, fundamentals of education


The means of production and reproduction are based on the premise that students develop in the curricula the necessary competencies to enter the labor market. These competencies include and are not limited to those related to the use of technologies and their integration into the various professional scenarios in the 21st century. According to Gramsci (1932) hegemony expects from the working classes the necessary knowledge to maintain the means of production and reproduction needed in modern societies. This premise, when it coincides with industrial revolutions such as the one we are experiencing (Industrial Revolution 4.0), is affected to the extent that those who have the responsibility to teach do not have the training or experience with the technologies that could be integrated into the teaching-learning exercise that will eventually be part of the work environment of future graduates. The purpose of this essay was to reflect on the technological skills of those who teach and those who come to learn, taking as a reference two models of technology integration in teaching as well as several learning theories. The accelerated development of technologies and the ever-shortening time lapses between industrial revolutions hinder the development of technological skills of those who teach, while students arrive with more technological skills than those who teach them. This paper concludes that institutions should conduct evaluations and curricular revisions in shorter periods of time while teachers should be updated in the use and management of technologies.


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How to Cite

Centeno-Alayón, P. (2024). Factores que influyen en la implementación de la tecnología en el ejercicio de enseñanza-aprendizaje. HETS Online Journal, 14(2), 211-234. https://doi.org/10.55420/2693.9193.v14.n2.280


