Actitudes del docente de las materias de español y matemáticas, de cuarto y quinto grado, durante las prácticas de inclusión con estudiantes con discapacidad en la sala de clases regular
attitudes, teachers, inclusion practices, students with disabilitiesAbstract
The purpose of this research was to explore and describe the attitudes of teachers of Spanish and mathematics subjects in fourth and fifth grade during inclusion practices with students with disabilities in the regular classroom of public elementary schools in the center of the island. The research was supported by the sociocultural theory of Lev Vygotsky (1925 - 1934), the concept of Otherness of Skliar (2002) and the theory of Reasoned Action of Ajzen and Fishbein (1980). The methodology was qualitative, with a phenomenological design. The population was 251, of which 8 regular teachers of fourth and fifth grade of the subjects of Spanish and mathematics participated, from the elementary public schools of the center of the island, belonging to the Bayamón Educational Region of the Department of Education of Puerto Rico (DEPR). The findings were interpreted and analyzed using the Wolcott (1994) model, by relating categories and identifying the relationship between them. The conclusions highlighted that there is a positive attitude from the participating teachers, towards their inclusion practices, when attending students with disabilities in the regular classroom.
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