Evaluación de una Certificación para Docentes que Enseñan en Entornos Virtuales


  • Ivette Torres-Vera Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico




distance education, professional development, distance learning, higher education, virtual teacher competences×


This article presents the findings of a study conducted to determine the effectiveness of a certification that use a private university in Puerto Rico to teach the skills of virtual teacher competences. A non-experimental quantitative research with transactional descriptive design was performed. The study population consisted of certified instructors by the institution to teach blended and online courses. A probabilistic sample was used for the study. The sample was selected using a simple random technique. An online survey was produced from the adaptation of the Virtual Teacher Competence Scale developed by Ruiz (2010) to assess the dimensions of virtual teaching: pedagogical, technological, interpersonal and managerial. The findings reflected that the variables years of experience in higher education and years of experience as a teacher in the institution are factors influencing technological and managerial dimension. Results provided evidence that there is a need to review the certification since it lacks effectiveness in developing the technological and managerial dimension that requires a teacher to teach in virtual environments. The findings also reflect the need to create an evaluation process to determine the level of knowledge instructors acquired of the dimensions of virtual teaching.


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How to Cite

Torres-Vera, I. (2016). Evaluación de una Certificación para Docentes que Enseñan en Entornos Virtuales. HETS Online Journal, 6(2), 6-38. https://doi.org/10.55420/2693.9193.v6.n2.227


