About the Journal

HETS Online Journal is a Hispanic Educational Technology Services publication since 2010. The journal’s goals is to publish original, peer-reviewed and high quality scientific papers, research review, evidence-based articles, as well as other products of research in the fields of integration of technology in educationretentionassessment, and access to achieve student success.

It is a refereed, professional electronic journal for professionals in the area of online teaching, learning and training. Topic areas include (but not limited to):

  • Characteristics of online learners
  • Learning styles in the online environment
  • Ergonomics in the online learning environment
  • Best practices in Instructional design
  • Evidence-based research
  • Innovative technologies
  • Teaching models
  • Evaluation

The HETS Online Journal initiative was developed thanks to the leadership of Dr. Eduardo Martí, former HETS Chairman, and President of Queensborough Community College, CUNY.

Current Issue

Vol. 14 No. 2 (2024)
					View Vol. 14 No. 2 (2024)


  1. Driving Accessibility: Tarrant County College’s Online Campus Races Toward Accessibility for Online Courses and Communication 
  2. ESOL in the Digital Age: Crafting a Tailored Learning Journey
  3. Impact of Growth, Purpose, and Sense of Belonging (GPS) Mindset Intervention on Student Retention Rates in Asynchronous Mathematics Courses – (22 pages)
  4. Aplicabilidad del modelo de retención estudiantil de Berge y Huang en estudiantes a distancia a nivel graduado de una universidad privada en Puerto Rico
  5. Liderando la revolución digital: Estrategias de evaluación en la era del Chatbot
  6. An Assessment of the Active Learning Worksheets in an Undergraduate Human Anatomy and Physiology Course
  7. Online Course Design Review: Quality e-Learning Practices in Higher Education
  8. La reducción poblacional y su impacto en las instituciones de PR
  9. Actitudes del docente de las materias de español y matemáticas, de cuarto y quinto grado, durante las prácticas de inclusión con estudiantes con discapacidad en la sala de clases regular
  10. Innovación educativa: un análisis descriptivo sobre la integración de la herramienta Prodigy como técnica de gamificación
  11. Institutional Readiness to Digital Education: Championing 10 years
    of Student and Faculty Success


  1. Factores que influyen en la implementación de la tecnología en el ejercicio de enseñanza-aprendizaje
Published: 2024-05-02

Message from the Chairman

Message from the Chief Editor


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