An Online Tutorial in Support of English Language Learners


  • Minerva Santos Eugenio Mari?a de Hostos Community College of the City University of New York (CUNY)


Palabras clave:

online tutorial, English language learners, content-based instruction, higher education


This paper describes the design and implications of a content-based, interactive, online tutorial aimed at supporting English language learners (ELL) who are navigating both improving their language skills in an English as a Second Language (ESL) program and gaining content knowledge in an introductory discipline-specific course. It describes the tutorial and demonstrates how it is supported by language learning best practices; it also discusses the limitations of the tutorial and provides suggestions for the improvement of its framework and usage.


Cargando métricas ...


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Cómo citar

Santos, M. (2017). An Online Tutorial in Support of English Language Learners. HETS Online Journal, 8(1), 6-21.


