Alcance de la implementación de las estrategias PLTL + PBL en modalidad híbrida en el aprendizaje de conceptos de Álgebra Intermedia


  • Jorge E Ortiz Universidad Ana G.Méndez, Recinto Carolina
  • Glenda Collazo Rivera Universidad Ana G.Méndez, Recinto Carolina
  • Loyda B. Méndez Torres Universidad Ana G.Méndez, Recinto Carolina
  • Carmen D. Peraza González Universidad Ana G.Méndez, Recinto Carolina



active learning, contextualized learning, PLTL, PBL, sociocognitive interactions


The objective of this investigation was to determine student learning outcomes in an Algebra course after the combined implementation of Peer Led Team Learning (PLTL) and Problem based learning (PBL) strategies in a hybrid format.  For this research, an exploratory-descriptive pre-experimental design was applied.  The intervention consisted of the implementation of four PLTL+PBL activities that addressed Radicals and Complex Numbers in contextualized situations.  To assess learning gains a pre- and post-test of 20 items was administered to 19 students and a rubric was developed to evaluate students’ critical thinking, quantitative reasoning, and scientific reasoning competencies.  In addition, sociocognitive interactions were analyzed in three dimensions (student-student, student-peer leader, student-content) using a logbook to record observations made during the activities. Results showed that 66.67% of the students had learning gains when comparing pre- and post-tests scores.  Also, students demonstrated performance in the competencies when faced the content in contextualized situations. Meanwhile,  the analysis of sociocognitive interactions validated that the combined implementation of PLTL+PBL in a hybrid format promoted active learning in students.  Therefore, we recommend the application of these strategies in hybrid contexts.


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How to Cite

Ortiz, J. E., Collazo Rivera, G., Méndez Torres, L. B., & Peraza González, C. D. (2022). Alcance de la implementación de las estrategias PLTL + PBL en modalidad híbrida en el aprendizaje de conceptos de Álgebra Intermedia. HETS Online Journal, 13(1), 108-129.


