Evaluation of an online course of remedial Mathematics
curriculum evaluation, online courseAbstract
This article shows the process of evaluating the effectiveness of the Pre university Mathematics online course developed by the Access to Success Project of the University of Puerto Rico. The evaluation was carried out through an adaptation of the evaluation model Context, Input, Process, Product (CIPP). The general research question was: How effective is the Pre University Mathematics online course developed by the Acceso al E?xito Program of the University of Puerto Rico?. In addition, there are 21 evaluation questions, which are derived from the general question, accordingly to the CIPP model. This research was developed under the intrinsic type case study design.
The findings show that the course is partially effective. Also, it does not respond to a previously established curriculum and instructional design. The CIPP model requires that it be implemented sequentially when applied in the evaluation of an online course, as each type of evaluation provides relevant information for the next.
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