A Model for the Development of Entrepreneurship Ecosystem and Technology Integration
entreprenuership, business ecosystems, community development, empowermenAbstract
In this writing, a model for the development of entrepreneurship ecosystems in school communities, which is based on four pillars, is proposed. These four pillars are Empowerment, Action, Visibility and Sustainability. The model proposes to begin with an understanding of the school community’s environment and its context to be able to personalize its approach and make way for effective entrepreneurial initiatives. Then, the mentioned four pillars are developed. The empowerment aspect recognizes the importance of instructing educators and students with the necessary knowledge and tools for the development of an entrepreneurial mentality and innovation skills. This gives way for action, guiding the participants to develop entrepreneurial initiatives. Visibility highlights the importance of divulging project accomplishments through different channels to obtain support, attract resources, and improve the community’s esteem. Finally, sustainability reinforces the framework of the model, which goes further than economic sustainability.
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