Hispanic Students and Online Learning: Factors of Success


  • Arbelo Floralba Carlos Albizu University, Miami Campus
  • Karli Martin Carlos Albizu University
  • Ailema Frigerio Miami Dade Public Schools




online learning success, students perceptions, higher education, online learning


This study focused on understanding Hispanic post traditional college students’ perceptions of the factors of success in an online learning environment at a Hispanic Serving Institution in the United States. Survey, interview, and focus group data indicate that Hispanic post traditional students assert that hybrid learning, social interactions, faculty communication, and independent learning behaviors contribute to successful outcomes in online learning. Furthermore, Hispanic students learn best when engaged with peers and faculty, have access to a brick and mortar institution with support services, and consider face to face interaction important to their learning experiences.


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How to Cite

Floralba, A., Martin, K., & Frigerio, A. (2019). Hispanic Students and Online Learning: Factors of Success. HETS Online Journal, 9(2), 22-54. https://doi.org/10.55420/2693.9193.v9.n2.287


