Assessment of a Technology-Enhanced Review Workshop before Final Exams in an Undergraduate Human Anatomy and Physiology Course


  • Seher Atamturktur Bronx Community College of CUNY
  • Kyeng Lee Bronx Community College of CUNY
  • Rujin Tian Bronx Community College of CUNY



Hispanic-Serving Community College, Gateway Course, Anatomy and Physiology I, Final Exams, Review Sessions, Biomedical Animations, Jeopardy Style PowerPoint Quiz Game


Gateway science courses are challenging for community college students, particularly for underrepresented Hispanic students who struggle with the course content as well as time management in their daily lives. In order to improve their academic success and understanding of Human Anatomy & Physiology, a series of two-weekend Anatomy and Physiology review workshops were offered prior to the cumulative final exams. Among others, teaching strategy included presentation of 3D animation video clips illuminating step-by-step biomedical processes, followed by fun Jeopardy-style Quiz competition. The competitions aimed at stimulating student interest and triggering their instant feedback that would reflect the level of their comprehension on topics of challenge. Our findings showed that the rate of passing, particularly grades of C+ and higher (required in all nursing courses), was consistently higher for workshop participants than for non-participants. We believe that the technology-enhanced workshops created an exciting, game- like learning environment that resulted in greater engagement and better academic performance among our students.


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How to Cite

Atamturktur, S., Lee, K., & Tian, R. (2015). Assessment of a Technology-Enhanced Review Workshop before Final Exams in an Undergraduate Human Anatomy and Physiology Course. HETS Online Journal, 5(2), 5-20.


