Student Performance in Four Teaching Modalities and Covid-19 in a Research Course at a Hispanic Serving Institution


  • Kristen Faye Linton California State University, Channel Islands



teaching modality, blended teaching, higher education, virtual teaching, online teaching


This study aimed to assess the differential outcomes of students at a Hispanic Serving Institution based on ethnicity, teaching modality, and pre-post pandemic. Descriptive statistics of students’ (N = 117) writing scores, course grades, and retention were reported. All student grades were best for the asynchronous modalities whether virtual or face-to-face. The Hispanic students’ grades were best in course sections with face-to-face interactions; they struggled more than others during the Covid-19 pandemic.


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Author Biography

Kristen Faye Linton, California State University, Channel Islands

Associate Professor
Health Science and
Academic Assessment Director of a Hispanic Serving Institution
California State University Channel Islands


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How to Cite

Linton, K. F. (2022). Student Performance in Four Teaching Modalities and Covid-19 in a Research Course at a Hispanic Serving Institution. HETS Online Journal, 12(2), 38-48.


