Developing Graduate Student Workshops at a Predominantly Hispanic Serving Institution


  • Amanda M. Giust Albizu University – Miami Campus
  • Diana M. Valle-Riestra



Graduate Students, Hispanic Serving Institutions, Student Support


This study examines the pre-test and post-test outcomes of newly developed graduate student workshops covering topics in the area of writing and research. A total of two (2) workshops were completed by 102 graduate students at a predominantly Hispanic serving institution in the southeastern United States. T-test analyses indicated that there was a combined significant difference between pre-test and post-test outcomes, t(101) = -9.63, p < .001, suggesting that both workshops were effective in increasing graduate students' knowledge base.


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Author Biographies

Amanda M. Giust, Albizu University – Miami Campus

Director, Graduate Student Research Center
Albizu University, Miami Campus

Diana M. Valle-Riestra

Project Director, Title V PPOHA Graduate Grant
Albizu University-Miami Campus


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How to Cite

Giust, A. M., & Valle-Riestra, D. M. (2022). Developing Graduate Student Workshops at a Predominantly Hispanic Serving Institution. HETS Online Journal, 11(2), 45-54.


