The Need for Social Workers along the South Texas-Mexico Border: Meeting the Need through Distance Education
Hispanic students, distance education, social work programAbstract
As we approach the end of the second decade of the new millennium, the United States continues to see significant growth of the Hispanic population. It is expected that one in every six people will be Hispanic by the close of the second decade, and that by 2060, the population will increase to approximately 128.8 million, or 31% (U.S. Census Bureau, 2012). Along the South Texas- Mexico border, the Hispanic population ranges from approximately 80-95%, and many of these areas are poverty stricken and greatly underserved. Consequently, social workers are in great demand to help meet the multiple and diverse needs of those living in these areas. As a result of the collaboration between a Texas university and a community college, students have been able to obtain a social work degree via distance education.
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